6. Range Operations.
- 6.1. General. Live fire at the Big Hollow Shooting Range is only permitted towards the range backstop area and at suitable targets (see below). The rules are designed to provide authorized personnel access to a facility where they can safely become proficient with privately-owned firearms.
- 6.2. Ranges. Range availability is at the discretion of the DWR, the Range Coordinator and the RSO in charge of the range. Live-fire shooting is normally limited to the following ranges and equipment:
- 6.2.1. Handgun Range – Handguns of all calibers, BB guns, air guns, and .22 caliber rifles, if authorized by the RSO on duty, the range can also be used for CQB (Close Quarters Basic) rifle practice within the range area and at suitable targets, such as AR-15 and AK-47’s if there is no risk of conflict with handgun users.
- 6.2.2. Rifle Range - Any rifle of any caliber (including muzzle loaders or other black powder firearms), handgun of any caliber, or shotguns with slugs or any shot size, can be used on this range, subject to the authority of the RSO on duty to refuse use of any firearm that the RSO deems to be unsafe due to the condition of the firearm, the actions of the user, or other activities then in process.
- 6.2.3. Hand-thrown Shotgun Range or fun field – This area is not ours and we are guests on their club property. – We must park in the parking area and carry the equipment to the trap field; under no circumstances should anyone drive on the trap field. This Range is only to be used at the discretion of RSO on duty. It is not always open. During the times that the Shotgun club is open all fun field shooters should be referred to them, they will provide a safety briefing and assign an area. When the shotgun club is not open the RSO gives a safety briefing and can assign them only to field #4. The safety briefing should include the following shotgun area rules. 1) Everyone must always have eye and ear protection on. 2) All guns are unloaded with the actions open until the shooter is on the line and it is his turn to shoot. At that time, he can load one shell only and then call for the bird. When two shooters are on the line only one shooter is to have a shell in his gun at a time. When using the hand thrown fun field, we do not allow shooting doubles. 3) Guns must always be pointed in a safe direction, which is up or down range, never down. 4) Only shotguns are permitted. Target loads only. 7-1/2, 8, 9 – lead shot, 3 dram, 1-1/8 ounces maximum. No slugs no steal shot, or other firearms may be used on this range. Only clay targets may be used. 5) Using the diagram below the thrower is positioned at station 3. Up to two shooters can be on the line, one at station 1 and one at station 5. All three need to be on the cement pad and at their station. Care must be taken to ensure that no persons advance in front of the cement area. 6) Anyone using this range is responsible for picking up and properly disposing of ALL trash including empty shotgun shells. When authorized for use of this range by the RSO on duty, one person in the group must be designated as the person responsible for safety including the wearing of proper eye and ear protection and monitoring safe firearms usage. The right to use the range may be rescinded by the RSO on duty if he/she observes any unsafe practices. All BSA groups must have an NRA certified RSO with them while using any ranges. All persons using the shotgun range must sign the sign-in book at the Rifle Range.
- 6.3. Range Firing Procedures. During public hours all Range Users must:
- 6.3.1. Obey all range rules and directions of the RSO on duty.
- 6.3.2. Fire only on scheduled ranges that have a RSO on duty and present.
- 6.3.3. Use only firearms in good working condition and ammunition in each case authorized for the range being used.
- 6.3.4. Use only authorized targets. All wildlife is off limits in this facility.
- In general, only paper targets may be used. Steel targets supplied by the user may be used if approved by the RSO in charge but those must be in good condition and do not pose a risk of a ricochet. Plastic jugs of water, or other similar targets, may be used so long as approved in advance by the RSO in charge and the user is fully responsible for cleaning up and disposing of all debris and litter. In no event shall any glass in any targets or glass targets – cars – TV – monitors – bottles – or other junk be used as a target. Rocks are not suitable targets. Using the rifle range distance marking posts or portable target stand base metal as targets is strictly prohibited.
- Tannerite or any other exploding targets are not approved for use on the range.
- 6.3.5. Check in and Sign in with the RSO immediately upon arriving at the shooting range (See Appendix E)
- 6.3.6. Follow all General Range Rules and safe firearms handling procedures, including:
- Keep the muzzle up when moving onto or off the Range.
- Do not aim at any area outside of the range backstop field.
- Do not load the firearm until ready to shoot.
- Keep finger off the trigger until sites are on the intended target and the shooter is ready to fire.
- Observe all range commands including “Range is Hot”,“Make the Range Safe” and “Range is Cold” .
- Ensure all projectiles impact within the established range backstop firing area.
- Call a "Cease Firing" if there is any unsafe condition; for example the line becomes staggered (one shooter forward of another).
- Wear Eye and Ear protection for all shooters and observers.
- Notify the RSO in charge of any safety infractions.
- Police all brass, paper, and other debris that accumulate on the range and dispose of them in the containers provided.
- 6.4. Limitations on Firearms. Fully automatic firearms may be used, provided that the person first clears the use with the RSO in charge of the range prior to shooting. The RSO can deny any fully-automatic shooting for any reason. At the request of the RSO, the shooter must demonstrate that the shooter has all federal licenses and required paperwork.